Park 31 Venue

My visit with Park 31 Venue in San Antonio Texas! WOW!

So, if you are not new to my site then you are aware that I recently moved to San Antonio. That means that I am in the “Start Over” Phase with my Photography business. As much as I love being back in San Antonio, I would be lying if I said I love the starting over phase. I DO NOT! In the photography industry it is already hard enough establishing yourself once. On top of that, I am a believer in a strong network and that can be tricky and frustrating as well. In saying that, I visited with the ladies at Park 31 Venue  the other day and it was amazing!

Before I start, I want to say that I am in no way affiliated with Park 31 Venue. I have seen many wedding venues. I can honestly say that Park 31 Venue is a very rare, one of a kind, gem! From the moment you drive onto the roughly 31 acre property you start to feel the charm. 

Park 31 Venue San Antonio Event and weddings

As I walked into the place I thought, man this is a photographers wonderland. From the bar area to the bride and groom areas, and the dining/party/dance floor areas. It is elegant, sophisticated, and warm. I can honestly say that they cut zero corners when it comes to designing this place and I have only been talking about the inside. The outdoor options are amazing as well and so well thought out and placed. 

Park 31 Venue San Antonio Event and weddings

Park 31 Venue in San Antonio Texas is breath taking both inside and out!

I did not take my camera to this meeting so I was not able to photography any of these locations for this blog and trust me when I say that there is so much more than what I am posting in this blog. To go along with all of the beautiful rooms inside, there are just as many options when it comes to the outdoor part of this venue as well. So to say that when it comes to your wedding at Park 31 you can have your cake and eat it to! I have links scattered through out this blog that will take you to their website. Do yourself a favor and check it out. 

Park 31 Venue San Antonio Event and weddings

Ok, So I was given the tour by extremely personable Haley Ristow. Some of you may remember her as a season 6, American Idol contestant, The Haley Scarnato. She is an amazing talent and I know this first hand because I have been blessed to share many stages with her before her American Idol days. 

While walking around with Haley I start to realize why this place feels so comfortable and “homie”. I mean it is one thing to have a beautiful facility. It is another thing when the place feels welcoming and inviting and I learned exactly why. This place got its heart beat from owner Mary Perlitz. She designed this place with heart and because of that, it has heart. Each location was designed with purpose and meaning and it is all based around family. Anyone that knows me knows that I am and always have been about family. As Mrs. Haley walked me around we stopped at what I would describe as a rock garden. They call them heart rocks and every wedding has one that will live at Park 31 because it is a part of the Park 31 family. 

Every first Thursday of each month they host an after hours get together so that Park 31 family can hang out and they even open the doors for reunions with there past bride and grooms. How cool is that?

After reading this you can see why I mentioned at the top that I was not an affiliate of Park 31. I love this place and its vibe and its team/family so much that I knew it was going to sound like a commercial for Park 31 Venue. As a professional that has seen and experienced many wedding venues this one blew me away. It is so much more than just a wedding place. It could and does host many different events with its amazing facility, its sprawling, beautiful landscape and its loving and dedicated team. Park 31 Venues is the place to be. If I was not already married it would 100% be my choice of venue. Once I get my photography business up and running here you can best believe that I will be using the place to host parties for my clients!  

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Paul N Carter Photography does no town the rights to any images in this blog. 

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